You can be compulsive about having a tea or a coffee, for many a day doesn’t start before you have a tea or a coffee. You can be compulsive about using foul language. You can be compulsive about using Facebook or any other social media. There are many who are compulsive about drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.
The more compulsive you are towards these things, the worse it becomes. Most human beings become compulsive about various things and to go beyond this compulsive behaviour is not so easy.
When you are conscious or aware of everything that is happening within you, you are capable of experiencing a life of full attention, awareness and consciousness. You are able to understand what’s happening within you and outside of you. If someone abuses you, you don’t just abuse them back. When your actions are not just compulsive reactions but a conscious action.
Once you start eliminating this compulsive behaviour from your life, you start transforming yourself. You become a better version of yourself. When you completely get rid of compulsive behaviour, you transform into ‘A new you’. Now, all your actions arise from conscious decisions.
The journey from compulsiveness to consciousness is what makes this life incredible. It’s like evolving to higher possibilities, and it takes more than just five senses to experience this dimension of existence.
This existence of full consciousness can take you to Samadhi. You might have seen Lord Shiva or Buddha in Samadhi, where they are experiencing life at its peak.
Would you not want to get out of the compulsiveness and start living a life of consciousness? Would you not want to experience a life at its peak?
Then the journey starts now!